Personalized Search & Bookings

Personalized Search & Bookings





Nuclear Fast Hotel Search & Matching

immediate intuitive, personalized results & emotional appeal  

has increased engagement & conversion significantly

Nuclear Fast Hotel Search & Matching

immediate intuitive, personalized results & emotional appeal  

has increased engagement & conversion significantly

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click for details on hotel benefits

PersonaHolidays ' Nuclear Fast Hotel Search 


This advanced filtering and pairing technology is a first for hotel search or booking. It was developed for PersonaHolidays by Kathy Lynn Ward COO of AXSES.  It is a new breed of generic algorithm used in chemical and nuclear engineering where the parts are dynamic, evolving and exponential! 

PersonaHolidays ' Nuclear Fast Hotel Search 


This advanced filtering and pairing technology is a first for hotel search or booking. It was developed for PersonaHolidays by Kathy Lynn Ward COO of AXSES.  It is a new breed of generic algorithm used in chemical and nuclear engineering where the parts are dynamic, evolving and exponential! 

Advanced technology that filters, orders and pairs options intelligently & instantly

Advanced technology that filters, orders and pairs options intelligently & instantly

Travelers Want Immediate Personal Recommendations That Match their Personality, Mood and Style

Travelers Want Immediate Personal Recommendations That Match their Personality, Mood and Style

click for details on hotel benefits

click for details on hotel benefits