Personalized Search & Bookings

Personalized Search & Bookings





Nuclear Fast Hotel Search & Matching

immediate intuitive, personalized results & emotional appeal  

has increased engagement & conversion significantly

Nuclear Fast Hotel Search & Matching

immediate intuitive, personalized results & emotional appeal  

has increased engagement & conversion significantly

click for details on hotel benefits

click for details on hotel benefits

PersonaHolidays ' Nuclear Hotel Search 


This advanced filtering and pairing technology is a first for hotel search or booking. It was developed for PersonaHolidays by Kathy Lynn Ward COO of AXSES. 

It is a new breed of generic algorithm used in chemical and nuclear engineering where the parts are dynamic, evolving and exponential! 

PersonaHolidays ' Nuclear Hotel Search 


This advanced filtering and pairing technology is a first for hotel search or booking. It was developed for PersonaHolidays by Kathy Lynn Ward COO of AXSES. 

It is a new breed of generic algorithm used in chemical and nuclear engineering where the parts are dynamic, evolving and exponential! 

Advanced technology that filters, orders and pairs options intelligently & instantly

Advanced technology that filters, orders and pairs options intelligently & instantly